🌐 Unlocking Minds | 🚀 Co-creating Transformative Learning | ⭐ Empowering Educators


Educators Empowered


Programmes conducted

2022 onwards

Transforming the landscape of Education

Unlocking Brilliance: Navigate Learning like Never Before


Explore Transformative Online Lessons

Gamified courses cover a diverse range of topics empowering learners of all ages to acquire new skills and knowledge.

Visit our Upskill Portal

STEM infused Problem Solving for kids

Enhance your kids problem solving skills with revolutionary STEM Kits that combine online learning with hands-on activities.

Find your STEM Kit

AI-Powered Teaching Strategies for Educators

Revolutionize teaching by seamlessly integrating AI into the educational experience, enhancing the effectiveness of educators, through our Ai Powered Teaching program

Learn the art of combining AI with teaching

STEM based Escape Rooms

Elevate STEM learning through immersive experiences, promoting problem-solving skills and real-world application.

Create an Escape Room

Customized learning solutions for Educators

Let's create holistic and interactive digital learning experiences together, empowering you to ScaleUp the way you teach

ScaleUp my teaching journey

Education innovation Insights

Uncover the latest insights, trends, and transformative stories in education, exploring the role of innovation.

Explore Education insights

Diving Deeper into Bootup's & Offerings.

Explore a world where learning meets innovation. Join us to pave the way for a future of enriched education and empowered educators.locowin


With our STEM kits we have created a revolutionary experience that couples online learning with hands-on activities. Explore our STEM kits, designed to enhance the problem-solving skills in children.


Explore interactive learning courses and access a diverse range of topics designed to make learning fun and effective.


Connect with expert tutors and experience the convenience and effectiveness of real-time, personalized learning


Personalized support for educators to integrate critical thinking, UDL, and engagement-driven learning into their lessons. Foster inclusive teaching practices for diverse learning needs and elevate the learning experience you create.

Tailored Services for educators: Shaping the Future of Learning

AI-Enhanced Teaching Strategies


Innovative STEM


Educator Empowerment Programs


Gamify your learning content


Digitize your Learning Adventures

Educators have transformed the experiences they create with Us

🚀leoncasino Bootup: Your Launchpad to Innovative Learning!

Embark on a transformative journey with Bootup, where education meets innovation. Discover tailor-made learning experiences crafted to unleash your potential. Explore a world where education is redefined through gamification, STEM escapades, and cutting-edge AI integration. Join us at Bootup, where learning knows no bounds. Whether it's tailoring STEM escapades, empowering educators with AI-driven teaching, or pioneering innovative learning solutions, Bootup redefines the landscape of education. Join us on a journey where every learning experience is crafted with precision, backed by a decade of expertise.

Core Members

Amra Iuoop

Amra has been an Online teacher for 8 years, has trained over 600+ educators in Sri Lanka, and is involved in the Education technology industry with exposure to the Learning & development areas. She has contributed to the growth and development of teachers, schools, and institutes by providing the appropriate tools and training using the DDE (Design and Deliver with Engagement) technique for use of content delivery both physical, virtual, and hybrid.

Amra Iuoop

Founder and Director of Continuing Education

M Fawaz

Fawaz’s journey of mentoring, coaching, and facilitative training began as volunteer experiences towards university students, and youth around the country for multiple requirements, leading to taking the role of Global Judge for entrepreneurship awards and hackathons in multiple countries.

M Fawaz

Co - Founder

Crafting Tomorrow's Learning Journeys

At bootup, we believe in the transformative power of education. Our journey began with a vision to bridge gaps in the educational system, ensuring no learner is left behind. We empower educators, institutions, and young minds through personalized learning experiences, cutting-edge technology, and a commitment to inclusivity. Join us in shaping a future where education knows no boundaries.

  • Enriched Learning Experiences

  • Educators Inspired

  • Client educators supported

  • onwards driving innovation